LINKS – Controlled Opposition, Shills (beware)

A list of conrolled opposition websites (in the opinion of FactPact team) of which the reader should be aware and judge accordingly. Remember, the definition of a good ‘gatekeeper’ is one that tells 90%-95% truth but dis-informs on the most important 5%-10%. Most gatekeeper/controlled opposition sites can be identified by the presence of ‘Flat Earth’ content on the site. It is a well known fact that the CIA started the ‘flat earth’ psyop in 2014 to discredit the truth movement by associating it with stupidity: believing that the earth is flat has always been regarded as synonymous with stupidity. Please read blog – A Dangerous Place To Be. part 01.

Philosophers Stone – This is a very dangerous controlled opposition psyop site! It has fooled many good honest people of the truth movement. – controlled opposition by evidence of lots of flat earth material.

@kaleb.fe, Dangerous site on TikTok

Darren Nesbit – Daz Nes – founder of the Light Paper. Plenty of Flat Earth nonsense on Daz Nes’s You Tube channel – don’t fall for it.

The Light (formerly known as The Lightpaper) This had many people fooled when it first came out. Founded by Darren Nesbit (see above.) Most notably there is never any content by the real stalwarts of the truth community: no Andrew Kaufmann articles, no Tom Cowan articles etc.

Wake Up Wales – A cleverly designed psyop disinfo site in the true tradition of controlled opposition – 90 – 95% truth mixed in with the most important 5 – 10% information as disinfo and lies.

They come up with truth on Covid-19 – that it does not exist and viruses do not exist: But then go off on nonsense about planet earth, and flat earth: A massively dangerous fake bull-shit controlled opposition site to mix in the real truth with Flat Earth nonsense to discredit all honest truth researchers. It started as Steer clear of this site if you are not mature enought to distinguish between real honest truther sites and controlled opposition psyop sites like this one.

SUNISLOCAL – Bitchute video channel – – A very dangerous Flat Earther shill site – mixes in good truther vids with Flat Earth BS to discredit the Truth Movement.

Brandon Martinez – Martinez Perspective AKA: Zander C. Fuerza (Zion Crime Factory) Dangerous anti-truth NWO shill in the opinion of FactPact. Check out these links in this search: – Check out about Brandon here:

More about Brandon Martinez here –

KievanRus – – A very dangerous Russophobic anti-truth pro NWO channel on the Rumble platform.

FREE WORLD NEWS related to freedom on this disinfo channel

Rebel News – – Far Right Wing Canadian Israeli funded shill site.

Bellingcat – – Elliot higgins – A very dangerous controlled opposition site cleverly masquerading as a truth site. For a clue as to how dangerous this site is just look at the way that Wikipedia bigs it up.

Misarchist – this channel so obviously controlled opposition, a preponderence of Flat Earth Bull Shit videos to fool the gullible!