LINKS – A to M

This is a page of links to alternative websites where you are much more likely to be truthfully informed about what is really happening in the world. Sites are listed alphabetically by first name.

NB. I don’t always have time to keep up with what’s happening on all of these sites so if you find links that are not working or have any comments about ie; that you think some of them are ‘shill’ ‘controlled opposition’ sites, please email me: in**@fa******.org

The Acorn – – Very good source of truth: books articles etc.

Adams, Sandi – comment: This lady is awesome! She really knows her stuff and is not afraid to stand up against the system. About: Welcome to my website everyone, and I’m glad that you’ve stopped by to allow me to present the overwhelming evidence of a plot so devious and dangerous in its nature, that full awareness of the project known as “Agenda 21” or “Agenda 2030” must be brought to common public attention. I’m playing my part in helping to disentangle the truth from the lies on this website.

Advocates for Citizens Rights – Advocates for Citizens’ Rights (AFCR) is a California non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting individual’s civil liberties and privacy rights. AFCR believes that all Americans have a fundamental right to the freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution and to basic human rights. The AFCR team is committed to safeguarding these rights, and defending said freedoms against unjust state action, and unwarranted infringements by government. Our mission is to ensure that both individual state actors and governments act in a way that comports with state and federal constitutions and law. When a government attempts to violate people’s fundamental rights through unconstitutional executive orders, or via legislation or mandates or court opinions, AFCR acts to bring awareness to these issues – and further – coordinate litigation to challenge such unauthorized state action.

AFTER SKOOL – You Tube Channel – – Some excellent videos with a message supported by marvellous illustrations. One video – MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL – that I have just watched took a year to produce apparently. I did make one critical comment about this video though: “Congratulations on an extremely well made video. The illustrations are truly superb. One question though. Why have you portrayed Hitler as a bad totalitarian dictator? He was nothing of the sort! In fact he was fighting the Totalitarian dictators: Marx and the Bolsheviks and co. who are now in control of our planet portrayed in this video. You have fallen for the very evil delusional mainstream Mass Psychosis Menticide programmimg about Hitler and WW2 (and presumably WW1) that your video seeks to expose.

AGENDA 21 RADIO – Paul Preston – About: Agenda 21 Radio is on the Air! Join Paul Preston as he takes on the issues surrounding the United Nations Agenda 21….The United Nations’ plan for YOU for the 21st Century. . . . . . . . . Read more

All News PipeLine – – We at All News PipeLine believe that any and all information should be revealed for readers to decide for themselves to debate it, research more, or even discard it if they so choose. Unlike the MSM which seems to believe they should decide what the public should or shouldn’t be told.

All The Goss – – Lots of good stuff on this blog. Regrettably Goss is not yet aware of the tuth about World War 1 & 2 and still uses the word Nazi in the same propaganda context that the lying mainstream media use it. The tiresome epithet Nazi, that Goss uses, was coined by a ‘jewish’ journalist called Konrad Heiden in order to denigrate Hitler – a brave man who was fighting the communist globalist enemy that we are fighing now – and his NSDAP party. About: The moment the world’s media started talking about nothing being the same again and there would be a new normal was the day the global elite (who own all the corporate media) waged war on everybody. The crazy “pandemic”, which never was a pandemic, was introduced to ease in a toxic vaccination programme which would keep everybody under control.

Almayadeen – Many good articles here on geopolitical matters. About: Al Mayadeen is an Arab Independent Media Satellite Channel.

AMANDA VOLLMER – (Doctor yummy channel on Bitchute) – – Awesome Canadian doctor who is really up to speed on medical mafia skullduggery. Amanda exposes Louis Pasteur for the fraudster and plagiarist that he is, and gives the clearest explanation I have heard to date on what viruses really are and how germ theory is dead: it is the ‘terrain’ that counts! Bitchute videos – – You Tube –



Amazing Polly – Highly recommended free thinking altenative journalist. Amazing Polly’s You Tube channel has been taken down, so that a good sign that she is onto the truth. Her Bitchute video channel link is below, and there are also videos on her own website.

Amazing Polly – Bitchute Videos –

Amazing Polly has a new channel More Polly

Americas Frontline Doctors –

The doctor-patient relationship is being threatened. That means quality patient care is under fire like never before. Powerful interests are undermining the effective practice of medicine with politicized science and biased information. Now more than ever, patients need access to independent, evidence-based information to make the best decisions for their healthcare. Doctors must have the independence to care for their patients without interference from the government, media, and the medical establishment.

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) stands up for every American looking for the best quality healthcare by empowering doctors working on the front lines of our nation’s most pressing healthcare challenges. We help to amplify the voices of concerned physicians and patients nationwide to combat those who push political and economic agendas at the expense of science and quality healthcare solutions.

Dr Andrew J Moulden – – I have only just discovered this guy, so will update this link asap.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman MD – Doctor, forensic psychiatrist, expert witness. Molecular Biologist, natural healing consultant, inventor. Specialist in exposing lies & propaganda about Covid–19:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman – You Tube:

A SON OF THE NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION – Larry C. johnson – Larry C Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right. You can also follow me on telegram ( (, Patreon and Substack (

Donbass Insider – – Top site for real info on the Ukraine conflict. About:

Donbass Insider is a news and analytics website which was launched in September 2018, in order to provide information and insights in several languages mainly about the situation in Donbass, Ukraine and Russia, but also about connected conflicts like Syria and Libya. This website was created by people working as journalists and translators since years. After working for a news agency, we thought it was necessary to create a new platform, where authors from different agencies, blogs, and information websites can collaborate together to spread information.

BABYLONDECODED – – [Interesting website – not had much chance to check it out yet]

BABYLONDECODED – You tube channel –

BCCRSS – – Great blogsite on REAL LAW – LEGAL NAME FRAUD – IT’S ILLEGAL TO USE A LEGAL NAME – Freeman On The Land – Statutes and Acts are fraud.

BANTHEBBC.COM – – Cancel your TV licence – Stand up to the biggest Bull Shit and propaganda mouthpiece on the planet and makes UK citizens pay a licence fee for the priviledge of listening to it’s disgusting BS, lies an propaganda.

BARRICADE GARAGE: Top humorous You Tube channel putting the truth over with a chuckle or two. Well recommended.

BigBrotherWatch – – A site dedicated to shutting down the UK Government’s Ministry of Truth.

The Big Virus Hoax – – About: This website was constructed and published by World Renown Music Teacher, Mike Singer and World Champion Handathon Professional, Brian Root. Both of these men are Ultimate Truth Warriors, Health & Fitness Activists and Philosophers. They established this website for the knowledge, goodness and benefit of all humanity.

Ben Swann – – (NB. You will have to register to view this site. ) – Top investigative journalist.

The Bernician: Critically Acclaimed Comedian, Playwright & Filmmaker | Blacklisted ‘Potential Subversive’ Revisionist Historian | Recalcitrant Philosopher Bankster-Busting Nemesis of the Rigged System The Bernician has performed more than 300 gigs on the stand-up comedy circuit; written and staged two critically acclaimed London plays; taught stand-up to a giggle of fledgling comics who went on to professional careers; co-produced and co-directed a critically acclaimed 35mm short film; and played supporting roles in mainstream and independent film and television productions; in addition to co-producing and marketing a #1 hit Danish action comedy and directing his debut feature film, Nefarious, which is slated for its long-awaited release in 2020.

The Bernician went on to draft the first legal argument by a lay advocate to be established as a point of UK law; as well as creating and publishing free online content that has had more than 1,000,000 downloads; whilst co-producing, editing and directing his second feature film, The Great British Mortgage Swindle, which was released in the UK on 10/11/2018. The Bernician is also a recalcitrant philosopher, a revisionist historian, the draftsman of the first Anarcho-National Treaty and a Great Charter for the 21st Century.

Bolen Report – primary author and organizer of this BolenReport website is Tim Bolen.  But, there are other SUPERB, knowledgeable Authors here too. Tim Bolen has been a Crisis Management Consultant in the Alternative Medicine section of the North American Health Care system for over thirty (30) years. He is a long time leader in the powerful North American Health Freedom Movement. Because of this, Tim has an insider’s view of the problems confronted by cutting-edge health care professionals, be those individual practitioners, special interest groups, companies, health issues, etc.

British Institute for Human Rights – BIHR – In 2020 BIHR turns 50. We have a long and varied history of first calling for human rights to be incorporated into UK law, and secondly of supporting different ways to bring these standards to life and have meaning in policy, practice and people’s everyday experiences. FactPact editor’s note: BIHR are doing a great job but sadly still go along with the nonsense that there is a SARS-CoV2 virus which causes the so-called Covid-19 disease

Brother Nathanael Top video channel with extremely powerful well produced short videos from Brother Nathanael, a Christian (former ‘Jew’) who calls out those ‘fake Jews’ who have taken control of our world.

Cafe Locked out –

Carl Vernon – you tube – – Best selling author and coach. Good in your face video channel from the UK.

Carrie Madej Dr – You Tube: Carrie’s You Tube channel has been deleted by the cult because she has been telling too much truth! See below for her Bitchute channel . Carrie is a very brave whistle-blower doctor exposing the dangers of vaccines and the scamdemic.

Carrie Madej Dr – Bitchute: brave whistle-blower doctor exposing the dangers of vaccines and the scamdemic.

CBN News – The Christian Perspective – – Good Christian Truth News site.

21st CENTURY WIRE – 21st Century Wire is News for the Waking Generation.Founded in 2009, we are a North American and Europe-based, grass-roots, independent hyper-blog offering bold commentary, news, views, analysis, as well as thought-provoking curated content from around the web. This site houses over 10,000 articles, videos and documents covering a very wide range of topics and viewpoints. We work with an at-large team of writers, researchers, and a wide array of volunteer contributors who provide a diverse range of perspectives and opinions from around the world. 21st Century Wire contributors have appeared internationally on TV, radio and in print, and include persons with both Masters and PhD level academic qualifications, and many who have appeared as speakers at international conferences and symposiums.

Chech The Evidence.Com – – About: [a blog by Andrew Johnson] Why Does CheckTheEvidence Exist? What is happening to the world? What has happened in recent years? Can it be true that the world is so much more dangerous a place than it was, say 20 years ago? Is global warming caused by human activity? Can it be prevented?

It seems our regular news outlets are being economical with the truth or even deliberately broadcasting false information in some cases. So, this website was created as an archive of reference material – to be used as a way, ultimately of re-evaluating answers to the questions raised above – by checking a range of evidence (one that is hopefully quite wide) and forming a new basis from which to judge the situation.

Children’s Health Defense – Health campaign group founded by American environmental lawyer and activist, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. the son of Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former president John F. Kennedy to prevent the harm of children by public policies and practices:

Children’s Health Defense – You Tube –

Private forum:

CITIZEN FREE PRESS – About: As it says – A Citizen Free Press site! The real news! Not the bull shit that Mainstream Media spews out moronically day in day out. Home page is beautifully simplistic, just loads of interesting links to reportage from real journos.

Claire EdwardsClarity With Claire Edwards – You Tube channel – Life and for Truth. Top investigative channel. Email: st**********@pr********.com

Claudio Grass Switzerland – Claudio has been advising HNWIs (High Net Worth Individuals) for over a decade on the best strategies to preserve wealth. In this era of debilitating central economic planning and monetary inflation, this has involved buying and storing physical gold and silver bullion, in full privacy, outside of the banking system, in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Claudio is also very clued up on geoploitical matters and the New World Order.

COERCION CODE –DARK TIME ARE UPON US” – Great website by Lance Goodall with lots of up to the minute news and stories about the Scamdemic.

COLDWELL DR. LEONARD (see Leonard Coldwell below)

THE CONCIOUS RESISTANCEDerrick Broze – – (NB. This link seems to not be working) An independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings. Originally this site and the name revolved around the work of community activist Derrick Broze. However, in November 2013 Derrick and Neil Radimaker relaunched the The Conscious Resistance Network. TCRN aims to be a unique network of entertaining internet broadcasts featuring music videos, how to videos, gardening tips, discussions on current events, Anarchy, community organizing, and many other ideas we are currently working on.’

Derrick Broze (The Concious Resistance) – Documentary series – The Pyramid of Power.

Consent Factory, Inc – – Website by C.J.Hopkins. FactPact note: You will have to visit and experience this site to find out what it is about.

C J Hopkins – C. J. Hopkins’ political satire and commentary is published by Consent Factory, Inc., except where otherwise noted. Republication of his essays does not necessarily indicate his authorization thereof or his affiliation with any of the below-listed publications.

The Conservative Woman – TCW – We launched The Conservative Woman in 2014 as a counter-cultural offensive against the forces of Leftism, feminism and modernism – against the left-liberal cultural zeitgeist, to counter its anti-family, authoritarian identity politics and ‘equality and diversity’ ideology which had swept through the country’s institutions.

Consortium News – Consortium News celebrated its 25th birthday on Nov. 15, 2020 with guests Oliver Stone, Peter Kuznick, John Pilger, Nat Parry, Diane Duston, Ray McGovern, Oliver Spencer and Gareth Porter. Hosted by Elizabeth Vos and Consortium News editor-in-chief, Joe Lauria.

The Corbett ReportJames Corbett – Alternative journalist of more than a decade with vast geopolitical knowledge about all that is really going on in the world:

CORONA INVESTIGATIVE – – This is a really top site exposing the fraud that germ theory is – viruses and bacteria do NOT make us ill.

The Corbett Report – James Corbett – You Tube:

Covid Hoax – – A very good Bitchute video channel regularly updated with latest truths.

COVID TRUTHS – – As the name of this highly recommended blog suggests, it is about waking people up to the real truths about the Coivid Hoax Scamdemic, the greatest scam in history.


COVILEAKS: CoviLeaks was born in response to mainstream media propaganda and government misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’. We believe that the lockdown has had catastrophic consequences leading to excess deaths, poverty and severe economic damage.We believe the lockdown and Coronavirus Legislation is wholly disproportionate and an offence on our human rights and civil liberties.We have simple aims: To fight for our freedoms, to seek the truth, provide the truth and give a confidential platform to those who want to speak the truth.

Collective Evolution: – A news-media and education company that creates content to explore how humanity can shift our consciousness and way of being to evolve beyond the personal and global challenges we face. –

COVID-19 REFUSERS – – really good blog for freedom and exposing the scamdemic Covid hoax.

CROWD JUSTICE: Join the Legal Challenge to the UK Govt Lockdown.

The Crowhouse – Alternative news channel by Australian Max Egan. NB. The Crowhouse You Tube channel has been taken down – Bitchute:


CVPANDEMICINVESTIGATION: Alternative blog site taking action to challenge authorities about the scamdemic:

CV19 News – – Top video channel on Bitchute platform.

DAILY EXPOSE – – Exposing the lies and bringing in the truth.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCEInternational Domestic Violence Resource Guide (2024) – Article about domestic violence and a list of Domestic Violence Hotlines in North America.

Dana Ashlie – ( Factpact rating: Top video channel relating to all the important stuff about what is really going on.) – About page Dan Ashlie: Welcome to the channel! 🙂 Come here to connect to critical thinking, prophecy interpretation and dot connecting large agenda truths alongside solutions. As well as videos that point to the WAY, the Truth and the Life. The truth shall set you free!

The Daily Wrap Up Ryan Cristian The Last American Vagabond Video channel on Vimeo – The Last American Vagabond was established to allow a free flow of information in regard to current issues that face the world. The focus being on many such issues that are purposefully and discreetly culled by those who stand to lose, either financially or professionally, due to their relevance. It is this site’s primary objective to bring these issues to an open forum and or bring about awareness of these topics of paramount importance.

THE DAILY EXPOSE – – Top alternative news blog.

Dan Hicks – Press for Truth –Alternative journalist website:

DANNY BOY LIMERICK – – An Irish site exposing controlled opposition in the Truth Movement.

DATA MATTER – As a web programmer, having the skills to create something like this for just the costs of my own time, I have started this project in an effort to share published videos and group them with the idea to have videos from many platforms all available in one place.
The project is still under development and I appreciate any feedback.
One goal is to counteract censorship as it is straight forward to just replace the video platform provider and all else stays in place.

David Duke – When someone is denigrated and denounced by the BBC and Wickipedia as much as David Duke is then you know that he is telling the truth about the most important stuff going on. Duke has made some awesome videos, I highly reccomend that people watch his video about the evils of communism – The Secret Behind Communism – and how the ‘Judao’ Bolsheviks (fake Jews) committed the worst atrocities to mankind that the world has ever known.

David Icke – Much maligned and feared by the establishment and MSM (MainStreamMedia ) Guru Investigative Journalist, philosopher, psychologist, author, speaker, activist and much more. Known worldwide for exposing lies of MSM for over 30 years bringing awareness about deeper spiritual truths – ahead of his time and ahead of us all:

David Icke – –

David Icke – You Tube:

David Knight Show – The David Knight Show broadcasts LIVE Monday through Friday

from 9:00am to 12:00pm Eastern Standard Time.

David Martin Dr. – Dr. David Martin knows who he is. And he’s here to show others how to remember what it means to put humanity into the human experience. Over the past 5 decades he’s fully lived and has done so in service to humanity. Unlike many who build an identity around accomplishments, he uses his actions to show others the vast extremes of possibility.

David Parker & Dawn Lester – What Really Makes You Ill – – Authors Dawn and David have spent 10 years researching and exposing the Medical Mafia and Big Pharma. The fraudster Pasteur and the fraudulent Germ Theory. Be sure to buy their book “What Really Makes You Ill” and listen to their many interviews online. You can not catch a virus! Viruses and bacteria do not cause disease. Until people realise that germ theory is nonsense, there is no hope for the world IMHO.

Defence Politics Asia – Excellent site to get some truth about Ukraine/Russia conflict.

THE DEFENDER – CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE – Children’s Health Defense’s news and views website. It features content aligned with the organization’s mission to end childhood health epidemics. Lots of other truth stuff on this site about Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Food, Big Energy, Big Chemical.

Del Bigtree – The HighWire – Big campaigner against the harm to people by vacc!neswebsite:

Del Bigtree – ICAN: Big campaigner against the harm to people by va((!nes:

The Dive – Jackson Hinkle – – Top geopolitical video channel by Jackson Hinkle.

Doctors for COVID Ethics – On May 18, 2021, with COVID-19 vaccines for children aged 12–15 expected to gain approval from the European Medical Regulator, notices of liability for vacccine-related harms and deaths to children were served on all Members of the European Parliament. The full list of recipients can be viewed here.

DOUBLE DOWN NEWS – About: In an ever increasingly divided world, our job isn’t to drive people further apart with fear and fiction but bring them together with empathy and evidence

DR-ROCK’S INTERNET RADIO SHOW Rock’s Internet Radio Show broadcast live most weeks since summer 2011 until recently, covering a range of cutting-edge subject matter, and featuring interviews with those involved.

THE DURAN – Alternative News Analysis site which has established for some time. Made For Minds (Deutsche Welle) – Unbiased information for free minds – A German channel in 30 languages!

Earth Newspaper – Alterntive news and views.

ENTITY ARTS – Awakening Articles and my art – – Hello. This site started out as a place to share my Art. However, since then I have had many unusual experiences which shifted my Paradigm. I have been diligently researching – I correlate and compare information on many subjects and apply critical thinking. I am sharing information with people to try and help end some of the unnecessary suffering on this planet – as well as waking people up to new levels. The vast majority of people who think they are ‘awake’ are not really, they often still have various more levels to go. I have been there, I know from experience.

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TRUST – – Ed opinion – Top Site – Environmental Health Trust (EHT) is a think tank that promotes a healthier environment through research, education, and policy. We are the only nonprofit organization in the world that carries out cutting edge research on environmental health hazards and also works directly with communities, health and education professionals, and policymakers to understand and mitigate these hazards.

EPOCH TV – – About: Ed. 12th january 2024. I’ve not checked this site out yet. Hopefully will do at a later stage.

Europe Reloaded – WHO ARE WE & WHAT DO WE STAND FOR?COVID UPDATE: We support REAL science led by doctors and researchers such as Michael Yeadon, Wolfgang Wodarg, Sucharit Bhakdi, Dolores Cahill, Heiko Schoning, Andrew Kaufmann, &etc. We do not endorse liberty- and economy-destroying measures such as lockdowns, the wearing of masks, and the fear propaganda of the media based on lies about ‘cases’ and death rates. We oppose the Great Reset policy of the Davos crowd. We oppose the massive election fraud that has been proven to exist in the November US presidential election. We oppose forced vaccine policies and vaccine passports.

EVENT202 – – Event202’s primary aim is to inspire, inform and equip all peoples of this earth to unite, fight for freedom and stand up against injustice.

EveryDayConcernedCitizen – Everyday Concerned Citizen is a site for the everyday working person to easily get info & take online action in the ongoing campaign to revive & restore our country–the USA, democracy, & world

EYES WIDE OPEN – – Real investigative journalism not influenced by advertisers or sponsors. Alternative news blog:

FLIP THE FLAGS – Very good site with lots of Freedom stuff to check out.

FLUORIDE FREE PEEL – Christine Massey – Top site exposing the health risks of fluoride. Also expose of the Conavirus Plandemic Covid Hoax.

FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE FKTV Author, Alexandra Bruce. Alternative journalist website, source of good truth videos: Video. Corruption/Monopolies, Crime, Fraud, Freedom The Great Reset.

Forum For Canadian Sovereignty FFCS – – We are the only NGO (Non-Government Organization) in Canada that is dedicated to vehemently opposing Globalism and the destructive globalist agenda and, just as importantly, educating, informing, and enlightening Canadians to the destructive forces of globalism and the globalist agenda are to our great nation. 

FOXGLOVE – – Foxglove is a team of lawyers, technology experts, and communications specialists. We think governments and big tech companies are misusing digital technology, and that this is harming the rest of us. Foxglove exists to fix this.We stand up to the tech giants and governments, and stand up for a future where technology is used to benefit everyone, not just the rich and powerful.

Free 2 shine – – A top You Tube video channel.

FREE THOUGH PROJECT – A hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability.

The Freedom Festival – TheFreedomFestival – Founded by the awesome brave Tahra Ahmed, Tahra runs Freedom Festival along with her team of coaches. theFreedomFestival is a site where you can learn your lawful rights and become empowered to take responsibility and apply them in practical ways such as not wearing masks and handling police and other authority figures who restrict your freedoms. “. . Acts only gain the power of the law with the consent of the governed.”

FREEDOM MAN PAC – The purpose of the FREEDOM MAN PAC is to advance the cause of Freedom, Liberty, and the founding principles of the United States of America. To accomplish this, it is our priority to eliminate the scourge of voter ignorance and apathy through mass information, education, and activism.

FREEDOM ARTICLES – – Lots of juicy alternative news and views on this site!

Freedom Of Speech – – A comprehensive blog going back to June 2020 with lots of great articles about the scamdemic.

Freedom Forum News – – Freedom Forum News (FFN) practices a specialized, almost old school genre of journalism focused on a particular issue, sector, organisation, or institution called “beat journalism.” Having a specific “beat” is a good thing for journalists. It allows them to build up an area of expertise, develop multiple sources and create better and more informative stories. 

FREEDOM RADIO – The English 909 – – Fed up with MSM radio and all of it’s Covid BS? Here’s an alternative radio station to tune in to.

Frontline News – Lives in Light.

The Gaggle – – Top You Tube channel with superb analysis and chat on geopolitical affairs from extremely knowlegeable hosts Peter lavelle (RT Cross Talk) and George Szamuely and their esteemed guests.

Gary D Barnett – Gary Barnett is a retired financial advisor and estate planner, and managed money for clients in his business for over thirty years. He also owned two other businesses during his life, and had a wild ride at times. Gary has been writing about a full range of topics concerning freedom and liberty for many years, and has written for The Future of Freedom Foundation, and several other publications over that time. He considers it a great passion in life to learn and continue to educate himself, and to promote and spread the ideas of liberty to all who are willing to listen. Freedom does not happen due to politics or constitutions, it can only exist in the minds of individuals.

Gnosis Unity of Steven Whybrow. In the year 2017, Steven made a conscious decision to focus on following his Life’s Purpose and dedicate his Life towards creating a new World that is in Harmony with Natural Law Principles, the Principles upon which the Universe is founded.

Global Agenda – Bitchute –

Global Times –

Going Underground – – (FactPact Ed: Great site for some real news about Ukraine.) About: Going Underground is a show created by RT for a global audience, hosted by award-winning journalist Afshin Rattansi. We cover the stories mainstream media would rather avoid, and ask the questions mainstream media aren’t allowed to ask. Tired of mainstream media? There is an alternative, subscribe to Going Underground!

Graham M. Lawrence – Other content from Graham M. Lawrence, the founder and editor of this FactPact Alternative NewsBlog can be found at these locations:

Graham M. Lawrence on You Tube –

Graham M. Lawrence (factpactman) on Rumble:

Graham M. Lawrence (fotolawrence) on Bitchute:

Graham M. Lawrence on Brand New Tube:

Graham M. Lawrence on Twitter:

Graham M. Lawrence on MeWe:

The GrayZone – A very good independent investigative journalist website.

The Great Re-Opening – – The Great Re-opening is a grassroots movement which aims to connect with and support small and medium enterprise in reopening their doors in the face of anti-scientific, unconstitutional and discriminatory lockdowns. Inspired by the Italian movement, #IoApro, where 50’000 bars, restaurants, cafes etc, safely opened their doors in defiance of the disproportionate restrictions placed on the business sector. We hope to replicate it in Ireland and the United Kingdom

The Great Re-Opening – You Tube – – Shopkeepers fight back against draconian lockdown restrictions. re-Opening of shops on 30th January 2021.

The Great Re-Opening – Face Book – – Shopkeepers fight back against draconian lockdown restrictions. re-Opening of shops on 30th January 2021.

GREATREJECT – – A good site with up to date stuff on what’s really going on in the world.

Grand Theft WorldFreedom United A new alternative news Blog featuring many of the top sites shown on this page plus more. I’ve not had time to check it out so feedback appreciated.


THE GREATER RESET – – The Greater Reset is the world’s collective response to the World Economic Forum’s Initiative: The Great Reset –

THE GREATER RESET ACTIVATION on Flote – – Listen to 5 days of talks free – 25th – 29th January 2021.

Godfrey Bloom Online – – Lots of excellent info on this site by the esteemed Godfrey Bloom: Godfrey Bloom is a libertarian author with six books published on both military history & Austrian School Economics. He worked in the City of London where he won an international prize for fund management (fixed interest) with Mercury Asset Management. He represented Yorkshire & Lincolnshire in the European Parliament & was a staunch campaigner for Brexit for twenty five years. During his term of office he attracted over sixty million views on his chamber speeches exposing State bank & tax malpractice on Facebook & You Tube. Thought to be an all time record. He brought experience if not influence to the mainly lay EU Parliamentary Monetary & Economic Affairs Committee, putting both members & European Central Bank President under unaccustomed pressure.

Great Mountain Publishing – Great Mountain Publishing is a Christian publishing ministry that is dedicated to revealing the truth of the gospel and being a watchman to warn the world of the rising spiritual peril. Ezekiel 33:6-7. The books published by Great Mountain Publishing present the unvarnished truth that is so often redacted by the modern Nicolaitan ministers of today. Great Mountain Publishing derives its name from the book of Daniel, where a stone destroys the great image of the enemy and then grows into a great mountain. That great mountain described in Daniel is the rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ, whose gospel has spread throughout the earth like a great mountain. “Thou art my father, my God, and the rock of my salvation.” (Psalms 89:26) That rock that has filled the whole earth is Jesus Christ and his word. Indeed, Jesus Christ is the Word who became flesh. (John 1:1-14). The words of the gospel of Jesus Christ are the very means of eternal life. John 5:24

Gumshoe News – by Dee McLachlan who grew up in South Africa and has lived in the UK, USA and now Australia. She has a BSc (Hons) and is a filmmaker (e.g. “The Jammed“, and recently “The Wheel”). She started Awaken Your Kids books (writing under the pen-name, Dalia Mae Lachlan). Many other qualified people on the team: Mary W Maxwell, Greg Buck, James O’Neill, Cheryl Dean, Mal Hughes, Brae Antcliffe, Matt Campbell, Greg Maybury, Christopher Brooks, Josée Lépine, Montse Alarcón Flix, James Marshall Crotty, Rohan Millson

GUY BOULIANNE – This is a French alternative news site. All articles in Frenceh –

HAPPEN NETWORK – – The digital media and social platform that curates honest, independent news on topics that directly affect your life.

HARDWICK ALLIANCE – – The Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology (HARE) was born in February 2020 at a gathering at Hardwick House on the Hardwick Estate in South Oxfordshire. Hardwick’s owner, Sir Julian Rose, is a pioneer organic farmer who twice led UK dairy farmers to victory against government attempts to ban unpasteurised milk sales (1989/1997). It is reputed that Kenneth Grahame, author of The Wind in the Willows, based his Toad Hall on Hardwick House and Mr Toad on Julian’s great grandfather.

Health Impact News Health Impact News covers stories that impact your health, but that the mainstream media seldom covers. Currently covers sic broad topics: Medical Watch; Alternative Health; Real Food Nutrition; Sustainable Agriculture; Coconut Health; Created4Health

HEART NATION – You Tube – – Heart Nation is a tribe of humanity

Henry Makow – Long established high calibre alternative journalist covering all aspects of Globalism New World Order oppression:

HOLISTIC HEALTH ONLINE – Valerie Robitaille, MS, PhD(c) – – My own health journey begins and ends with herbs. Back in High School someone gave me a book called “Back To Eden” by Jethro Kloss. The book was quite popular in the 1970s, and certainly made an everlasting impression on me. There are some worthy herbals on the shelf today but I would venture a bet they all read Back To Eden!  It is the prima facie of botanical medicine.

Dr Hilde De Smet You Tube Channel – Medical doctor from Belgium asks critical questions about this covid-19 crisis.

View Page

Ian 56 – website: Prolific geoplotical activist/journalist. Great website for source of truth:

IAN R. CRANE Ian R Crane (Sadly deceased RIP) is an ex-oilfield executive who now lectures, writes and broadcasts on the geo-political webs that are being spun; with particular focus on US (Global Corporatist) Hegemony and the agenda for absolute control of all global resources.

Primarily Ian focuses his attention and research on the geopolitical arena and raising awareness of the Unconventional Gas (Fracking) agenda but has a deep personal interest in folklore, mythology and the cosmological belief systems of ancient and indigenous cultures. In fact, it is Ian’s research and understanding of these systems and beliefs which provides him with a unique insight into the unfolding global drama providing the catalyst for humanity’s evolution into a new plane of existence (Homo Luminous perhaps?).

This website will give you an insight into Ian and his work, keep you updated with his speaking agenda and provide you with enlightening, challenging, thought-provoking and educational productions that will assist you in discovering the true nature of our world, reality, and our respective roles within it.

Ian is an independent researcher; he is completely self-funded.

The views expressed in his talks and DVD’s are based entirely upon his personal knowledge and research. Prior to his retirement from the corporate arena, Ian enjoyed a career of 25 years in telecommunications and international oilfield services, a career that provided the opportunity to live & work in the U.K., Continental Europe, the Middle East & Houston, Texas.

ICAN – (I Can Decide) Informed Consent Action Network – Va((ine Safety – founded by Del Bigtree of Highwire.

ICAN – (I Can Decide) Informed Consent Action Network -Del Bigtree – Big campaigner against the harm to people by va((!nes:

ICAN – You Tube channel – (I Can Decide) Informed Consent Action Network – Va((ine safety

Infectious Myth – – A book project by David Crowe. Some excellent material on this site. Sadly David Crowe passed away on July 12th, 2020 RIP.

Infinite Unknown –

This site is created to link the political, the economical and the environmental situation of planet earth. It is not about conspiracy, because we are now way beyond the “conspiracy state”. And most conspiracy sites leave out the “earth changes” which are already dramatic and will be even more severe in the future. This site is also not about creating fear, although one could get scared to death reading what I am about to post here.

International Crimina;l Court – On behalf of the peoples of the United Kingdom proprio motu request was drafted by Hannah Rose and filed with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on December 6th, 2021. It is free and available to anyone who wishes to read it, download it, share it, re-use it or otherwise benefit from it’s content. Namaste

Jackson Hinkle – Rumble – About: Ed – excellent gopolitical analysis video platform very well presented.

Jean-Jacques Crevecoeur – Full Life Channel. A great French guy working for the truth who describes himself as a Guardian of Humanity. A channel for all those french speaking people around the world.


Jason Christoff – Health Self Sabotage Expert – Health Fitness and Wellness:

Jason Christoff – SoundCloud

Jeff Berwick – Dollar Vigilante alt news journalist, crypto currency and economic analyst:

Jimmy Dore – Top ‘awake’ comedian.

Dr Jim Meehan MD – Dr. Meehan is an expert in differentiating true science from manipulated, fraudulent, biased research.

Jim Stone – Freelance alternative journalist:

JOHN ANDERSON – – About: John Anderson is a sixth-generation farmer and grazier from New South Wales, who spent 19 years from 1989 in the Australian Parliament.  He served as a senior Cabinet minister in the reformist government led by John Howard (1996 to 2005), one of the most successful governments in Australian parliamentary history.  This included six years as Leader of the National Party and Deputy Prime Minister.

John Bergman Dr. – Dr. Bergman D.C. is a one of a kind chiropractor, holistic doctor and a brilliant researcher who has dedicated his life to teaching and helping people with various, serious health conditions:

John Bergman ( Bitchute – videos ) –

Dr. John Bergman – You Tube:

John Henry Westen. Co-founder and editor in chief of Life Site News – Support freedom, fight censorship, and spread the truth. Good alt news site and blog:

John Henry Westen Show – You Tube:

Jon Rappoport nomorefakenews: Top investigative journalist, investigating virus fraud for over 30 years:

Jon Rapport on The New Abnormal blog

Jon Rappoport – You Tube:

Julius Ruechel – – A Canadian Blog – No idea should be immune from honest criticism. No idea should be hidden from public debate. Good ideas can only be improved if their weaknesses are brought into the light. Bad ideas fester in darkness until they are forced to defend themselves in broad daylight.

Julius Ruechel – You Tube –

JUSTINIAN DECEPTION – – Principles of TRUST-LAW Governance being: Master SERVANT (SLAVERY) arrangement.

Kate Dalley Radio Show – A lot of true facts come from this top radio channel: Kate Dalley is a cutting-edge nationally recognized radio host! She is nationally syndicated  in multiple markets -live -including Chicago and on Red State Talk Radio in drive time ( the world’s largest political online 24 hour station with 1 million listeners) along with other online outlets as well. Listeners  from around the globe listen and stream her daily 3-hour political talk show (First hour Utah topics, followed by the 2 hour nationally syndicated show).

Dr Kevin Corbett A health scientist and retired Registered Nurse with nearly 40 years experience in clinical and academic healthcare practice, working in acute/primary care and higher education institutions. – – Excellent channel for all things important. There are download facilities of video and text which is particularly helpful.

LARKEN ROSE . . . . . .you are most likely here because you have either heard about my research into the federal income tax, or you have heard about my political (or anti-political) rantings and/or books. Because the two issues are really separate, distinct issues, they are dealt with separately. So choose which path below you want. (Or you can go to the store, which has the books and other stuff having to do with both topics.)

LARRY ROMANOFF –’s opinion: A superb site packed with well written articles full of in depth information about what is really going on in the world.

THE LAST AMERICAN VAGABOND – Ryan Cristián – Founder/Editor The Last American Vagabond was established to allow a free flow of information in regard to current issues that face the world. The focus being on many such issues that are purposefully and discreetly culled by those who stand to lose, either financially or professionally, due to their relevance. It is this site’s primary objective to bring these issues to an open forum and or bring about awareness of these topics of paramount importance.

LAW OR FICTION – – Top site with guidelines separating law from lockdown.

Lawful Rebel – – An excellent truth site by Nigel HowittMission statement: There is a right way to live. There is a rational scientific code of morality, a science to guide man towards freedom and flourishing. To live by reason as ones primary guiding principle is to live a fully human life in accordance with reality and with our nature as man qua man. It is the way of truth, the way of non-violence, the way of trading or exchanging value for value. It is the only way to peace freedom and abundance. Reason is your only guide to knowledge and therefore action.

Lawyers for Liberty (UK) – – Lawyers for Liberty is an independent, non-political organisation. Our members are volunteer lawyers and members of the judiciary who defend individual human rights, the universality of human rights, the rule of law, and equal treatment and fairness in order to maintain the foundation of our democratic and just society.

LEARN COMMON LAW TODAY – Article 61 made simple. Get up to speed on Common Law, the only law to which we should be complying:

Lee Merrit Dr. – One of the increasing number of medical people who are exposing the fact tha germ theory and virology are a century old Big Pharma scam: that we do not get sick from bacteria and so-called viruses.

LEE RODEN – You Tube Channel – – A very good alternative channel with a selection of videos on the subject of the Scamdemic.

LEONARD COLDWELL DR. 40 Years of Coldwell on stage. Natural and holistic approach to health.

Light On Conspiracies – Ole Dammegard – – About: Ole Dammegard is one of the most knowledgeable people on false flag operations. Plenty of interesting material on this website.

IBMS® is the science of identifying and eliminating any negative result in a humans life®

IBMS® is the science of identifying and eliminating any negative result in a humans life.
IBMS® Instinct Based Medical System® is the only holistic system for Healing Life®.
It involves identifying and solving the root causes in the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical realms of the user.

The Liberty Beacon – Alternative News and opinion site with much content on health and medical matters – “THE ERADICATION OF PROGRAMMED IGNORANCE” by publishing pertinent websites and producing unbiased (alternative) media content, increasing access to the abundance of coordinated alternative source media, informing and educating the people to reality in this climate of political, social, health and economic turmoil.

One thing we are all aware of is that the MainStream Media (MSM) is seriously remiss in its stated mission to keep the American people informed in real time on topics of importance by presenting timely and fact based reporting of events as they occur both in.

LIFESITE NEWS – (John Henry Westen. Co-founder and editor in chief) – Alternative News, Opinion, Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Resources & Petitions. A great site to get informed.

LIFEFACTS – COVID-19 – – One of the menu options on LIFESITE NEWS. Lots to browse on truth about Covid: Masks, vaccines etc.

Lionel Nation – Lionel by and through his Nation covers world and national news and issues dissected and exposed without preconditions and preconceptions. Political deep dive analyses. Revealing the truth with a priority on unvarnished historicity. Critical thinking elevated to artform. Words of wisdom from the last of the renaissance polymaths. Honest, funny and unapologetic discussion from a renowned legal and media analyst, sesquipedalian and veteran talk radio pioneer. Nonpareil and sui generis.

Lisa Haven – Restricted Republic Alternatrive journalist you tube channel:

Lockdown Sceptics – Recently formed British anti-lockdown website and forum:

The Mad Truther – Lots of good stuff to browse through on this blog.

Man In America – Born and raised in the countryside of Ohio, I never thought I would see a time when our freedoms were under attack like they are today. I spent the last fifteen years fighting against the tyranny of Communism in China—but never did I imagine that that fight would come to American soil. My heart beats with the blood of a Patriot, and I cannot sit idly while my homeland is under attack. I created Man In America to speak to my fellow Patriots and help educate, inspire, and unite us. God bless you, and God bless America. —Seth Holehouse

Matrix Breakout 8 – Lots of great videos on what is really going on in the world. (Surprised that this channel hasn’t been taken down yet


Nine Eleven Truth Sites:

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth:

US Military Officers for 9/11 Truth:

TONY GOSLING: Founder of reinvestigate 9/11:

Pilots For 911 Truth:


MAMM – Millions Against Medical Mandates – A coalition of health freedom activists working together to prevent medical mandates.  We are physicians, lawyers, journalists, nurses, researchers, scientists, nutritionists, parents of vaccine injured children and adults, citizen activists and organizations alarmed about the erosion of our rights to bodily autonomy.

MEDICAL KIDNAP – – is part of the Health Impact News network. About: Due to the increasing frequency of stories being exposed regarding children taken away from their families for simply disagreeing with their doctors, we felt it was time to put up a completely separate website to document these tragic stories. –, comment and opinion from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya & Mauritania – Martin Jay.

MarcusTwain22 – A top Bitchute channel with lots of great vids about what is really happening in the world. (Copied and pasted from the ‘About’ page of tis channel)

“Look behind the Covid “masquerade.” With over 400 videos on this growing channel, we’ve now organized playlists – check them out here: – Grab some popcorn, kick back, and take a look at what the mainstream media does NOT want you to see. Enjoy! Peace, Sam
On Parler, Gab, and MeWe: @MarcusTwain22 – let’s connect! “

MEDIC DEBATE – – The Antidote to Medical Misinformation and Propaganda! In Medicdebate you can find all kinds of legal documentationmedical informationschedulediscussion forumsproposals, info about participating organizations and blogs.

Northern Tracey – I am not a doctor nor a scientist but that doesn’t mean I can’t understand science, scientific papers and health. They have tried to baffle us with ‘science’ and Latin and even their own new language some like to term – ‘science-waffle’. I’m here to cut through the crap and explain things in plain English so anyone can understand. My main aim is to wash away the fear they like to instil to control us.



Defense Politics Asia – – This is an excellent site to get genuine factual updates on the Ukraine conflict (also on other war zones around the globe.)

SouthFront – – Another top site to get updates on the Ukraine conflict (also on other war zones around the globe.)


UK Medical Freedom Alliance We are an alliance of UK medical professionals, scientists and lawyers who believe that the Government’s response to COVID-19 is misguided and not based upon the best available scientific evidence. We are campaigning for Medical Freedom, Informed Consent and Bodily Autonomy to be preserved and protected.

URBAN GLOBAL HEALTH ALLIANCE – Kevin Jenkins – – Urban Global Health Alliance will partner with communities to empower and engage on the issues of Health & Wellness.  Urban Global Health Alliance recognizes that in an increasingly urbanized world, health issues present new challenges that go far beyond the health sector and require action at the global, national, community, and individual levels.

Mike AdamsThe Health Ranger and editor of, the internet’s most-trafficked natural health news website. He is also the creator of,,, and other health websites:

Mike AdamsThe Health Ranger – Brighteon –

Mike AdamsHealth Ranger – You Tube: (surprisingly still a lot of Mike’s videos on Goo Tube) –

The Millenium Report – The Millennium Report is about ONE thing: Reporting the most important news in the world today. HUGE earth changes, historic geopolitical events, global environmental crises, perpetual war and rumors of war, unprecedented economic/financial cataclysms and the like, are either under-reported, not reported or routinely misrepresented by the MSM.


More Polly – – This is another channel by Amazing Polly

Moon of Alabama This site’s purpose is to discuss politics, economics, philosophy and blogger Billmon’s Whiskey Bar writings. Some time ago, the commenting at Billmon’s Whiskey Bar became a bit excessive. Billmon therefore closed the comments at his place on June 29, 2004. The community of commentators was left behind to search for a new place.