A Dangerous Place To Be – part 02

Get the FACTPACT FACTS out there.

What images does NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) conjure up for you: Astronauts in space-suits, the International Space Station, humans landing on the moon? For those professing a belief that the earth is flat NASA is their bête noire. For them it is nothing more than a propaganda machine specifically set up to push a ‘fallacy’ that the earth is a sphere. It’s worth noting that flat earthers never explain why NASA would want to do this.

No CIA flat earth psyop video is worth it’s salt unless it gets a good many digs at NASA claiming that all of their film/video footage and photographs showing the earth as a sphere are nothing more than computer graphic fakery. In fact according to pizzaland flattie folk, everything NASA says or does is fake!

What our well meaning anti-NASA friends have not taken into consideration however, is that humans fathomed out the spherical shape of the earth several thousand years ago long before NASA was born. Pythagoras 570 BC – 495 BC floated the idea that the earth is round and Aristotle 384 BC – 322 BC validated it a few hundred years later.

The allegory of Plato’s Cave. In the allegory, Plato describes people who have spent their lives chained in a cave facing a blank wall. They watch shadows projected onto the wall by objects passing in front of a fire behind them, and they give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality but not accurate representations of the real world. The shadows represent the fragment of reality we can perceive through our senses, while the objects under the sun represent the true forms of objects that we can only perceive through reason.

One guy, Erathostenes of Cyrene, an Ancient Greek polymath, mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist born in the year 276 BC is famed for calculating the circumference of the earth, to a less than 1% error, using nothing more than a stick and his brain. He was also the first to calculate the earths axial tilt which has also proved to have remarkable accuracy.

Erathostenes with a stick and a brain calculated the circumference of the earth over 2,000 years ago. Click on pic for 2 minute video explanation of how he did it.

As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, this enemy we are fighting: that elite cabal who control virtually all central banks, mainstream media and Hollywood, did not get where they are today by being stupid. On the contrary, they got there by being cunning and smart at our expense.

From: Fake “Flat Earth” Conspiracy Finally Outed As C.I.A. Psyop – by A Freeman

We KNOW that the Criminals IAction (CIA) not only have access to weapons of mass distraction and mass deception, but that they control the mainstream media in the U.S., just as their counterparts in the U.K. do. So it really should come as no surprise that this completely fabricated (astroturf) FE “movement” is their concoction, and that the main players in FE are government assets or agents.

The irony is FE [Flat Earth] thinks it’s blowing the lid off of one government agency (NASA) while completely ignoring the fact that another government agency (the CIA) set up their astronaut strawman. Read the full article HERE


Choosing NASA as the mainstay of their flat earth psyop was pure genius. They chose it specifically because the 1969 landing of humans on the moon was indeed faked. Anyone who has researched this event to any extent knows that the moon landing by Armstrong, Aldrin & Collins in 1969 did not happen. What we saw on TV screens and in the press was pure Hollywood fiction.

So they cleverly use this in their narrative. The fake moon landing is the bait with which they lure good truth seekers into the flat earth psyop shill’s lair. Remember that globalist shills and gatekeepers cleverly mix about 90% truth with 10% false narrative. A typical CIA flat earth shill website will post 90% of stuff that truthers post such as: 9/11 was a false flag inside job, Climate change is a hoax, Covid-19 was a scamdemic etc. Then along with these subjects they will include truth about the 1969 fake moon landing being fake. Having gained the confidence of us truth researchers by appearing to be ‘on our side’ they will capitalise on NASA and the fake moon landing to reinforce the narrative that NASA is the bad guy and everything it does or says is fake. Of course this is an ad-hominem argument, just because NASA lied to us once it does not mean that it always lies to us.

With this false analysis of NASA now imprinted in our brains, we will unwittingly and naïvely believe in the integrity of these CIA shill websites and soak up all of the disinfo spiel that they then feed us about the earth being flat, and not a sphere as NASA says it is.

So go very carefully, living on a flat earth is a dangerous place to be especially if you attempt to climb the ice wall that flatties say surrounds their pizzaland planet. You might just slip down the other side into the abyss of the universe, assuming of course that you get past the line of heavily armed NASA sentries who apparently guard this wall.

Flat Earth surrounded by an ice wall, guarded of course by those NASA sentries.

An even more dangerous place to be is inside Plato’s Cave, as a victim of this clever CIA Flat Earth psyop which was introduced in 2014 for one reason and one reason only — to make all of us alternative journo truth researchers look like idiots. For centuries, believing that the earth is flat has been the definition of stupidity, and that’s exactly why they chose it as a psyop — to make us look stupid.

Fake “Flat Earth” Conspiracy Finally Outed As C.I.A. Psyop
(click on above pic for article.)

A Dangerous Place To Be – part 01Click pic above for former Flat Earth blog.

Get the FACTPACT FACTS out there.

Graham Lawrence

Alternative journalist.

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