114) Heil to the Chief
Guess what time it is, boys and girls.
Did you guess it? I’m pretty sure you did.
That’s right, it’s time for the Big Switcheroo! It’s Morning in America Again time! It’s Hope and Change time! It’s Putting People First time! It’s Make America Great Again time!
Yes, it’s time to change the set of the American simulation of democracy, as they do every eight, or sometimes four, years. The bad guys are out. The good guys are in. Or the other way around. It doesn’t really matter. Juice up your smartphones, switch off your brains, put on your MAGA hats or pink pussyhats. The extravaganza is about to begin! READ MORE
NB. FactPact does not endorse the use of the word Nazi in the way it is used in this article. Please read FactPact Blog:
113) Fact check: Misleading claims about Syria’s Saydnaya Prison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
111) The Fall of Syria: What You Need to Know: By James Corbett – Dec 15th 2024 . . . . . . . . .

FactPact comment: This is a superb analysis, by alternative journalist James Corbett of the recent takeover by Western-backed terrorists of the sovereign state of Syria and the ousting of the former legitimate democratically elected leader Bashar-al-Assad.
Corbett has been studying this conflict since it’s outset in 2011.
In case you haven’t heard yet, the world has just changed irrevocably.
After 13 years of battle, the alphabet soup of foreign-financed, foreign-armed, foreign-trained terrorist insurgents in Syria have finally accomplished their goal: the overthrow of Assad.
There are many questions to ponder here. What happened? How did a years-long military stalemate turn into a government-toppling checkmate seemingly overnight? And what does this mean for the future of Syria? For the future of the Middle East? For the future of the world?
Let’s find out.
110) How Poland Started World War II – by Mike King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Meet the Man Who Started World War II – As regular readers of Real News & History well know by now, the ultimate culprits behind the disaster of World War II were the high-level masters of the New World Order crime gang (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Sulzberger, Baruch et al), and their skilled operational henchmen of the political world (FDR, Churchill, Stalin et al). By the way, this is the same self-perpetuating crime syndicate that has, in recent years, been agitating for confrontation against Russia and China. Same game, new players, long story. READ MORE
109) Men with BREAST cancer; not kidding. by Jon Rappoport

Men with BREAST cancer; not kidding.
See, THIS is the kind of lunacy on the Left that can turn a voter away from the political party pushing it.
This is where voters can dig their heels in and say: ENOUGH.
The sheer invention of baloney makes people think, “Do these con artists believe we’re completely stupid?”
And when the invention of a problem fits a cockeyed political agenda AND is presented as HELP, as syrupy MEDICAL help “in the new society,” eventually common-sense people wipe it off the map…with their votes, when the opportunity presents itself.
Naturally, CNN runs this story.
“The reality of breast cancer in men” (link in footnote)
The author is Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, “a urologist and robotic surgeon with Orlando Health and past president of the Florida Urological Society.”
The article begins:
“A few years ago, I had a male patient who came to me complaining of breast enlargement.”
“At first, we thought it was a side effect of one of his medications for an enlarged prostate. But during the exam, something about one side just didn’t feel right to me.”
“I decided to order a mammogram to take a closer look. The results showed an abnormal spot, which led him to see a specialist.”
“The diagnosis for this man? Breast cancer.”
“Breast cancer in men can be misdiagnosed or overlooked because it’s so rare. Early detection can be lifesaving.”
Isn’t this breathtaking?
The patient came in complaining of BREAST enlargement. I’m sure those were his exact words. “Doc, my breasts are enlarged. They used to be perky. Now they sort of hang…”
Just the other day, in an NFL locker room, a sports commentator stood next to a linebacker who had taken his shirt off. The commentator said, “You know, Joe, I heard you went on a heavy workout schedule last summer, but, my God, your whole physical appearance has changed. You’ve got really firmly developed breasts now.”
And Joe replied, “Yeah, Sam, my breasts were the real target of all the weight work I did in the training room.”
Have you watched wrestling on TV lately? Those guys have fantastic breasts.
I don’t understand how the networks get away with showing them. The FCC has rules about that.
—Come on, Doc, get serious. Everybody knows you’re pushing an agenda. Just call it CHEST cancer. For men.
Do you really think people are going to equate men’s chests with women’s breasts? Don’t answer that. There are countless numbers of Wokies who will. They’ll love your article.
But you’re still working an amateur con:
Maybe you want to follow up with a piece in which you call a penis an enlarged vagina.
“The male patient came into my office complaining of a swollen vagina.”
Or you could just come clean and say you want to mix and match male and female genders in a blender so people will decide gender isn’t really biological at all. It’s just a matter of individual preference and choice and identification.
Then you could dispense with “male breast cancer.”
You could also say the practice of medicine is POLITICAL.
That would clear the air and set everybody straight.
Have you considered opening a side business selling bras to men? For guys with ordinary chests, you could offer padded bras.
Or surgical implants. When some of them leak and cause cancer, THEN you can call that breast cancer.
Anyway, congratulations. You’re forwarding the LGBTQI+ agenda, and that’s all that counts. Right?
I’m hearing a rumor one of the soccer players on the women’s national team has enlarged testicles. You should look into it. And write another piece for CNN.
“A woman walked into my office complaining of big balls.”
— Jon Rappoport
Original article on Jon Rappoport Substack – https://jonrappoport.substack.com/p/men-with-breast-cancer-not-kidding
CNN Article: The reality of breast cancer in men. By Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt, CNN – https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/20/health/male-breast-cancer-wellness/index.html
108) Cancer Is Your Body Healing – by Gemma O’Doherty
Tumours are the therapy. Why would you poison your body with pharmaceutical chemicals when it is trying to heal? Chemo and radium are the real killers and a goldmine for the criminal pharma industry.
Irish people are addicted to the cancer industry. They’re in a trauma bond with their doctors and hospitals, consumed with getting bloods and scans and screening done while making themselves sick with worry as they wait for the results. The real pandemic is hypochondria. That’s not to say the nation is not sick but it is a sickness that is for the most part self-inflicted and caused in large part by the ‘healthcare’ choices people make.
Phony medical testing schemes are the new sacraments of atheistic Ireland dispensed by the high priests of pharmacon from the altar of the HSE (Hell Circus Executive). I met a man in his 80s recently who illustrated exactly how it works. He’s lived the healthiest of lives, is fit as a fiddle, and should live well into his 90s. But that’s unlikely now because his drug-pushing doctor is running the show. READ MORE
107) How the Israel lobby fueled the rise of Britain’s top anti-Muslim chaos agent – By David Miller – 25th October 2024
The riots that gripped the UK this August were heavily inspired by anti-Muslim agitator Tommy Robinson. His rise to prominence is largely the product of the North American Zionist lobby, representing a clear break with traditional far-right British activism.
A wave of anti-Muslim and anti-migrant riots which consumed British society in racist violence this August were fomented almost entirely by a self-proclaimed “counter-Jihad” activist who goes by the moniker Tommy Robinson. This October 26, Robinson will return to the public eye in the UK for a provocative action outside Westminster in London protesting his prosecution for defaming a Syrian refugee in a film he produced. READ MORE
106) The Day I Got My Flu Shot . . . .This is a True Story – by Jason Christoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“. . . . . . . . My voluntary poisoning was severe and lasted for about 3 weeks. It’s the first time I never went to work in my entire life due to sickness. I also called my corporate lawyer (Barrie Wilson) to draft my first will and testament, in order to give my mother all my business assets upon death……which were pretty substantial only after 2 years as a new entrepreneur. I believe that the only reason I didn’t die was because I was so young and had so much life left in me. I even told myself that, “it would have been worse if I didn’t take the shot”. Yes, thank God I injected myself with poison, because the poisoning I caused myself, would have been much worse if I didn’t volunteer to inject myself with poison. That’s how programmed I was. There are still billions under this form of brainwashing and psychological manipulation…..and that includes most medical doctors, nursing staff, government bureaucrats, members of the general public etc etc. That’s how brainwashing works, no one is immune. . . . . . . “ READ MORE
105) Manufacturing the Far-Right: Who Is Shaking the Jar? By Iain Davis
Following the outbreak of civil unrest in the United Kingdom, the entire UK establishment blamed alleged “far-right influencers” for peddling online “disinformation,” which, it was said, “caused” riots. In response, the UK prime minister announced the government would take measures to “keep our streets safe.” When we look more closely, however, the far-right threat in the UK appears to have been manufactured by a public-private partnership that has attempted to legitimise the policy response. The reported “influencers” are not who we are told. Who is shaking the jar and why? READ MORE
104) Let the “Bad Guys” of History Speak! by Mike King

When we look back at Globalist-owned America’s long history of making war against various “Bad Guys” from A-Z, the discerning student of history can’t help but notice the conspicuous absence of “the other side of the story.” Why is that? Consider; even serial killers such as Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz (aka “Son of Sam”); and mass murderers like Charles Manson were not only given their day in court, but also a forum in the media. Shouldn’t the related courts of history and current events at least present the version of affairs that the “bad guys” put forth? READ MORE
103) How (and why) they sell X as a “bastion of free speech” By Kit Knightly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Donald Trump is back on the app formerly known as Twitter. After almost four years in the “Truth Social” wilderness he sat down with Elon Musk for a 3-hour conversation.
On our side of the pond, Musk is taking every opportunity he can to troll Keir Starmer’s government, comparing the UK to something from 1984 (accurately, it must be said).
During the Olympics, he chimed in with criticism of controversial Algerian boxer Imane Khelif for being a “man beating up women”.
Wherever there is controversy, Musk (or the PR intern running his X account) appears to pour fuel on the fire.
102) Technofascism: The Government Pressured Tech Companies to Censor Users – by John & Nisha Whitehead
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, has finally admitted what we knew all along: Facebook conspired with the government to censor individuals expressing “disapproved” views about the COVID-19 pandemic. READ MORE
101) This Week in the New Normal #93 – Off Guardian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world. READ MORE
100) Oh! Give it a rest! – by Iain Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Recently the Telegraph published “I’d Like to believe the Moon landings were fake – the alternative is far bleaker.” It’s an anonymous editorial, posing as a movie review. The former Telegraph journalists, who has now been officially labelled a “conspiracy theorist,” James Delingpole, observed:
“Telegraph does limited hangout on fake moon landings so that 77th can then swarm over the comments and put moon landing deniers in their place.“
99) Looking Forward to the Future – by Todd Hayen
It seems to be a common consensus among shrew types that most likely we will end up in a world similar to the world of Mad Max, or 1984, or something even worse.
For me, A Brave New World sort of existence is more likely. Maybe that first, and Mad Max later—that’s possible. Maybe A Brave New World sort of place is too extreme—certainly for the near future it is. . . . . READ MORE
98) International Domestic Violence Resource Guide (2024) . . . . .
Domestic violence exploded during the first two months of the COVID-19 outbreak. In the U.S., there was a 30% increase in spousal/partner abuse towards women, and the U.K. saw a similar increase as well – 25%. Similarly, there has been an uptick in violence against men and the elderly, with financial strain caused by the pandemic being noted as the main stressor in domestic situations. Still, there is no updated, comprehensive resource that tells you where to go if you are suffering such horrible violence, or know someone who is a victim . . . . . READ MORE
97) Gaza Selfie: Representing the Chosen People – Simon Elmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
There is a difference between the photographs published in the Western media during Israel’s 2014 assault on the Gaza Strip — which at the time was the most deadly in decades, killing over 2,300 Palestinians — and the far larger number of images, both photographs and digital footage, that have been coming out of Gaza since 7 October 2023. That’s partly because of the ubiquity of smartphones and social media today; but the images also serve a different geopolitical function. READ MORE
96) Women’s Guide to Cyber Safety 2024 – Last Updated by Sarah Frazier on February 01, 2024

Women and girls are both the targets and scapegoats of online harassment; we’re singled out and then victim-blamed as though we asked to be persecuted. The cycle has been vicious and endless, but not anymore. It’s time for us to take control and put an end to the attacks on women online.
Online, women are subjected to harassment, violence, oppression, and just generally uncomfortable situations that few (if any) men have to deal with. The Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a study reporting that 85% of women worldwide had witnessed online violence against other women. In the EU alone, 10% of women report having experienced cyber-harassment since age 15. READ MORE
95) Gemma O’Doherty: Voting Is Participating In Organised Crime
Gemma O’Doherty – 11 Mar 2024
Urging people to vote is no different to encouraging your daughter to go back to a man who is abusing her. If voting made a blind bit of difference, the criminals in government would not facilitate it.
You do know the government has been murdering Irish people in their thousands using poison vaccines. You know it is killing the elderly every day in nursing homes with ‘Death Row’ sedatives. You know it is ripping unborn babies to pieces in the womb in its hospitals. You know it is sexualising Irish children in its schools and encouraging them to cut off their reproductive organs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .READ MORE
94) “Secret Document”: Is Germany’s Bundeswehr Preparing to Wage War on Russia? Michel Chossudovsky – 5 Mar 2024
This article was first published on January 27, 2023 following the controversial statement of Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock intimating that Germany’s Bundeswehr was preparing to wage war on Russia.
In recent developments it would appear that Chancellor Scholz:
“doesn’t have any idea about what his armed forces [Bundeswehr] are doing behind his back, which risks dragging Germany deeper into this conflict.”
On March 1, “a bombshell report containing the leaked conversation between high-ranking German military (Bundeswehr) officers was revealed. It pertained to “striking the Crimean Bridge with up to 20 “Taurus” air-launched cruise missiles.” by the Bundeswehr, which would constitute an act of war against Russia (Drago Bosnic) READ MORE
93)Viruses Don’t Exist and Why It Matters By Dr. Sam Bailey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We are now over four years into the COVID-19 fraud and while many things have changed, confusion remains the dominant theme. More people are coming to the realisation that there was no pandemic but there are also plenty of people ramping up “bioweapons” and “gain of function” narratives. Amongst this we have also seen the introduction of a new side-stepping argument that, “virus existence is not important”. READ MORE
90) The Richest Man in the World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
By Larry Romanoff:
The purpose of this essay is threefold: (1) to bring to the attention of readers the existence of a long-standing conspiracy about the identification of “The Richest Man in the World”, (2) to dismiss from contention the current list of candidates, and (3) to document that a small number of banking families operating out of the City of London have for generations held these wealth records with fortunes that are orders of magnitude above anything we might have imagined. I will address these points in reverse order, and deal with the current crop of wunderkind at the end.
89)Criminality Beyond Description: Netanyahu Supports both Hamas as well as Al Qaeda Terrorists – By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
For those who have doubts concerning the criminality and insidious role of Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government:
1. Netanyahu is on Record for Supporting and Financing Hamas:
“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”
(Benjamin Netanyahu, statement at a March 2019 meeting of his Likud Party’s Knesset members, Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)
“Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.” READ MORE
88) “Wiping Gaza Off The Map”: Big Money Agenda. Confiscating Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves

By Felicity Arbuthnot and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, October 21, 2023
Israel has launched an invasion (October 7, 2023) of the Gaza Strip.
As outlined by Felicity Arbuthnot with foresight 10 years ago in a December, 30 2013 article:
“Israel is set to become a major exporter of gas and some oil, “If All Goes to Plan”.
In the current context, Israel’s “All Goes to Plan” option consists in bypassing Palestine and “Wiping Gaza off the Map”, as well confiscating ALL Gaza’s maritime offshore gas reserves, worth billions of dollars.
87) BBC ‘disinformation’ correspondent busted spreading disinfo on her own bio. by Kit Klarenberg·September 9, 2023
The BBC’s Marianna Spring specializes in branding average citizens as conspiracy theorists and potential terrorists for questioning official claims. When caught lying about her own professional record to advance her ambitions, she says she thought her deceit “wouldn’t be a big deal.”
86) How Israel Created Hamas – Something Is Not Right About The Israel/Hamas War — Could It Lead To Genocide, World War Three?
Who Is Hamas?
Indeed, on its own soil, Israel has long been documented as creating “fake” al-Qaeda groups to justify its treatment of the Palestinian people.
With that in mind, it is important to note that Israel’s arch nemesis, Hamas, was created by Israel itself for the purpose of splitting the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) and Fatah, the leading outfit for the Palestinian freedom and resistance movement.
85) “Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
The Infamous “Oded Yinon Plan”. Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky
84) Democracy at 30,000 Feet. By Mike King . . . . . . . . . . .
Few students in the modern Marxified “educational” system and the communiversities understand the critical distinction between a pure, unlimited “democracy” ™ versus a republican constitutional democracy. By design, and in accordance with Marx’s own teachings, much of the dumb-as-dirt electorate have been brainwashed into believing that the all important “majority” ratio of 50.01% must somehow magically confer unlimited wisdom and unlimited power to the lucky (often cunning) winner. That’s actually mob rule — or, to more accurately describe the social dynamic — rule of self-serving, self-aggrandizing criminals who know how to manipulate a stupid mob in such a manner that a mass of moronic normies actually believes itself to be free and sovereign. READ MORE
83) How Hollywood Js Rigged the Nuremberg Tribunals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

82) 9/11 After 22 years
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts – Global Research, September 11, 2023
Today is the 22nd Anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon known as 9/11. A generation of 22-year olds has grown up after 9/11, and the event probably means nothing to them. They learn that it was an attack on America like the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 disappears into history.
It is unlikely that anyone under 40 is much concerned with 9/11. A 40-year old today would have been 18 in 2001 and would likely dismiss 9/11 concerns as conspiracy theory. Today’s youth are more likely to be marching in support of “various ubiquitous social issues” than wondering about the source and purpose of the 9/11 attack.
80) Why the COVID Delusion Continues – By Jeff Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Well, the COVID panic has been over for more than a year, and most people seem to be breathing a bit easier now, both literally and figuratively.
Most everyone has returned to their pre-COVID lives. The masks are mostly gone, and testing is only undertaken by a few people who remain in fear. READ MORE
79) The Boom Bust Bailout Process that Places Nations in Debt – By Mark Keenan
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” – U.S. President John Adams
The banking system can and does control the availability of credit (i.e., debt-money loans). It can expand or contract the availability of credit in a nation or worldwide. Over the past decades the more credit that is available the more an economy is likely to grow (there are also other factors including the availability of a cheap energy source, such as oil). When the availability of credit is contracted/reduced by the banking system the money supply shrinks, the availability of money to repay loans plus interest is reduced, foreclosures begin to occur and the economy may start to shrink rather than grow. This expansion and contraction of credit is known as the business cycle. READ MORE
78) The Real History of the War in Ukraine – By Jeffrey D. Sachs . . . . . . . .
By Jeffrey D. Sachs, Special to The Kennedy Beacon
The American people urgently need to know the true history of the war in Ukraine and its current prospects. Unfortunately, the mainstream media ––The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, MSNBC, and CNN –– have become mere mouthpieces of the government, repeating US President Joe Biden’s lies and hiding history from the public.
Biden is again denigrating Russian President Vladimir Putin, this time accusing Putin of a “craven lust for land and power,” after declaring last year that “For God’s sake, that man [Putin] cannot stay in power.” Yet Biden is the one who is trapping Ukraine in an open-ended war by continuing to push NATO enlargement to Ukraine. He is afraid to tell the truth to the American and Ukrainian people, rejecting diplomacy, and opting instead for perpetual war. READ MOREhttps://thekennedybeacon.substack.com/p/the-real-history-of-the-war-in-ukraine
76) Zelensky’s Zugzwang: Ukraine’s ‘blitzkrieg’ strategy has failed, so where does that leave its much-hyped counteroffensive?
For the past six months, Kiev has been preparing a breakthrough to the Sea of Azov, but Russia wasn’t planning to roll over.
The counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), widely hyped by Ukrainian and Western officials since the beginning of the year, has been going on for nearly a month. Since June 4, Kiev’s forces have been trying to advance on the southern section of the frontlines in Zaporozhye Region and in the western part of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).
The anticipated ‘blitzkrieg’ strategy was not successful and the Ukrainian offensive became stuck in positional warfare, losing a lot of the military equipment provided to it by the West. By the end of June, Kiev managed to occupy a mere eight villages, but was not able to reach the main Russian fortifications.
75) Russia’s Academy Award Winning Performance For Best Coup, Prigozhin Scores Best Actor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What if the Prigozhin “Coup” is Maskirovka? I want to explore that possibility. Earlier today (Saturday on the east coast of the U.S.) I was sketching out a piece with the catchy title, “PRIGOZHIN — PUTSCH OR PLOY?” Well, that swell idea was blown away like the Kakhovka Dam when the narrative about the Prigozhin plan to march on Moscow and personally strangle Russian Defense Minister Shoigu went full-on Nadia Comăneci — i.e., back flip. Prigozhin ordered “his” troops back to their bases, cut a deal with the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, to go into exile and will face no judicial punishment. WHAT????? No bloodshed? No miles of burning tanks? And no Mussolini neck tie for Vladimir Putin? What the hell?!!
74) “A Global Digital Compact” – UN promoting censorship, social credit & much more – By Kit Knightly / Tyler Durden
70) PART 1 – Secret Team: The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

68) The Homage of the Slaves – Iain Davis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
As the coronation of Charlie-boy approaches, the Royal household thought it would be nice to offer the British public the opportunity to swear their allegiance to King Charles III and declare themselves his slave. This “homage of the people” has been very popular amongst some. Presumably, they’re dead keen to live a life of slavery. READ MORE
67) The Myth of Dr. Mengele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Of the many sub-fables spun off of the grand fable of “Auschwitz” ™, the most shocking and enduring is the myth of that evil, sadistic, mass-murdering monster whose name ranks behind only those of The Great One(that’s Hitler for you newbies & normies) and SS Chief Heinrich Himmler on the all-time scary bogeyman list. The notorious camp doctor known for conducting live invasive experiments on Jewish inmates has long since been immortalized in articles, books and films. You know the name – none other than the big bad Dr. Josef Mengele(cue dramatic piano music) — aka “The Angel of Death ™.” (cue even more dramatic piano music)
There is, however, just a wee little problem with this official narrative of the big bad Mengele. To put it bluntly, just like those long-since discredited tales of shrunken heads, lamp shades & soap made from dead Jews, “zee gas chambers ™,” and babies being tossed into open fire-pits – the Myth of Mengele is, well, bullshit from start to finish.
66) Fake News Curated by the Deep State: Government Spin Doctors Control the News Cycle – By John & Nisha Whitehead – OffGuardian.
Let’s talk about fake news stories, shall we?
There’s the garden variety fake news that is not really “news” so much as it is titillating, tabloid-worthy material peddled by anyone with a Twitter account, a Facebook page and an active imagination. These stories run the gamut from the ridiculous and the obviously click-baity to the satirical and politically manipulative.
65) The Censorship Industrial Complex – By C J Hopkins.
March 14th 2023
I think something is seriously wrong with my brain. Yesterday, I hallucinated that Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified before a subcommittee of the US House of Representatives about the Censorship Industrial Complex, i.e., the US arm of the global official propaganda and disinformation apparatus that has been waging an all-out war on dissent for the better part of the last six years. . . . . . . .
64) Dangerous Trend of “Psychiatric Repression”
By Doug Casey – International Man.
February 9th 2023
International Man: The Soviet Union used the diagnosis of mental illness as a tool to silence political dissenters. It was a practice known as “psychiatric repression.”
Dissidents who spoke out against the government were often declared insane and forcibly institutionalized in psychiatric hospitals, where the government subjected them to inhumane treatment and abuses.
The diagnoses were often based on political rather than medical criteria and were used as a means of punishment and control.
What is your take on this practice?
63) The Big Virus Hoax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ultimate Truth: The New World Order Agenda, “Viruses” & Pandemics
January 9th 2023
This is truly the most important, significant, meaningful, insightful, and informative Blog that you, and everyone else who ever has the good fortune of coming across it, will have ever read. We even included a link to the 12 hours historical documentary,
Tumours are the therapy. Why would you poison your body with pharmaceutical chemicals when it is trying to heal? Chemo and radium are the real killers and a goldmine for the criminal pharma industry.

Irish people are addicted to the cancer industry. They’re in a trauma bond with their doctors and hospitals, consumed with getting bloods and scans and screening done while making themselves sick with worry as they wait for the results. The real pandemic is hypochondria. That’s not to say the nation is not sick but it is a sickness that is for the most part self-inflicted and caused in large part by the ‘healthcare’ choices people make.
Phony medical testing schemes are the new sacraments of atheistic Ireland dispensed by the high priests of pharmacon from the altar of the HSE (Hell Circus Executive). I met a man in his 80s recently who illustrated exactly how it works. He’s lived the healthiest of lives, is fit as a fiddle, and should live well into his 90s. But that’s unlikely now because his drug-pushing doctor is running the show. READ MORE