Biggest False Flag of All Time: 23rd Anniversary

Get the FACTPACT FACTS out there.

Today, 11th September 2024, is the 23rd anniversary of the biggest false flag operation to have ever been pulled off: The attack on the World Trade Centre in New York, USA. To date the real perpetrators of this horrific crime have never been brought to justice.

Officially we were told to believe some fairy story about the attack being carried out by a man [on kidney dialysis,] living in a cave with a laptop and 19 Arabs with box-cutters, around seven of whom phoned news desks the following day to say that they were very much alive and kicking. The man in a cave was Osama bin Laden, a CIA stooge for twenty years under the pseudonym Tim Osman.

The result of this false flag operation was that the Western globalist elites had created their new hobgoblin – Muslims – to keep the populace in constant fear, and thankful for their government’s protection. The word Muslim, together with their new ‘war on terror’ tag became the globalist elite’s mantra for the next two decades to justify their warmongering in order to satisfy their insatiable appetite for murder, death and destruction worldwide. This false flag event provided them with the perfect pretext for future wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, Syria etc. To this day their war-porn continues as they send hundreds of billions of dollars of hard working Western taxpayer’s money to fund the genocide of Palestinians and Ukrainians in their illegal proxy wars.

USA is never happier than when murdering innocent brown people worldwide.

For all those who want to get up to speed on 9/11 truth, there are some links at the end of this blog.

As mentioned in last year’s 9/11 blog, I would recommend first researching building WTC7 (World Trade Centre building 7) which fell at free fall acceleration for 2.5 seconds into it’s own footprint. The only way that this can happen to a steel framed skyscraper is if all of it’s support is removed instantaneously. . . . emphasis on the word instantaneously. And this could only take place by controlled demolition using some sort of explosive devices.

Under extreme pressure NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology – a crony paid-off bedfellow of the perpetrators) desperately came up with some lame duck excuse about the collapse being caused by fire which caused steel beams and columns to bend. Hmmm! Bending beams and columns is not instantaneous removal of support. Fire has never caused a steel framed building to instantaneously collapse into it’s own footprint at freefall acceleration. If skyscrapers fell down like building WTC7 because of fire, then no one would enter a steel framed building ever again.

9/11 Predictive programming: We are all being subconciously progammed ahead of time via various media, especially Hollywood, about future events the Global elites have planned. Here are a few examples.

9/11 False Flag was planned many years before it happened. The Globalist cabal give us predictive programming like this in order to program our minds to accept their narrative. This pic is a screen grab from American animated sitcom: The Simpsons – Season 9 Episode 1 – the City of New York vs. Homer Simpson. 3 years, 11 months, 6 days before 911 false flag happened.
Here’s some more 911 predictive programming on the cover of the New Yorker magazine, eight years before 911 False Flag happened. Note the nationality of each of the four children in this image, especially the guy leaping at the Twin Towers. Also note the smoke coming from the base of the Twin Towers indicating digits on the thermometer. Also the temperature, above 100 degrees
This is a mirror image of Supertramps Breakfast in America album cover from 1979. The two reversed letters P & U of SUPERTRAMP Spell 911 right over the Twin Towers. That’s how long ago the 9/11 false flag was planned!
Incidentaly, the billionaire property developer Larry Silverstein, who took on the World Trade Centre, two months before the 9/11 false flag event, insured it for not just one terrorist attack but two and picked up insurance payouts of many billions of dollars. He regulary took breakfast each morning at Windows on the World on the 106th floor of the World Trade Center’s North Tower.
And the title of this Supertramp album – Breakfast in America! Wow! Curioser and curiouser cried Alice.

WTC7 was the perpetrator’s achilles heel. It wasn’t even allegedly hit by a plane so they could not use that tedious gobbledegook about jet fuel burning hotter than normal fires and rushing up and down elevator shafts etc. as an explanation for the collapses.

Building WTC7 could only fall in the manner that it did because it was a detonation job. Understand this and you will start on a journey of truth which will eventually allow you to see through the smoke and mirrors of what is really happening in our world.


Freefall No Longer Controversial – Prof David Chandler goes through calculations to show building WTC7 falling at freefall acceleration

Seven – a film by Dylan Avery –

Building 7 – Never Forget. Video by Greg Reese –

Never Forget the Dancing Israelis –

Remembering 9/11 – 23rd Anniversary

Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth –

Pilots for 911 Truth –

Get the FACTPACT FACTS out there.

Graham Lawrence

Alternative journalist.

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