That N Word and the Bavarian Peasant

Get the FACTPACT FACTS out there.

History would be a wonderful thing – if it were only true.” ― Leo Tolstoy

We’ve all seen it done: that Hitler moustache doodled onto an image of the face of someone the doodler wants to portray as a tyrant dictator.

These doodles, usually accompanied by the word Nazi and the swastika symbol, and that old yarn about Adolf Hitler being the most evil man to have ever lived, must rank as the most tedious cliches of all time. Cliches which the masses have been force fed for the past 75 years by those who started WW1 & WW2 and benefit from such vile propaganda — the Zionist Globalist cult.

That N word?

The common assumption, from decades of mainstream media programming, is that the word Nazi is a contraction of the name of Hitler’s political party, the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, but the word Nazi was in use as far back as the early 1800s, long before Hitler was born.

Chronicles Magazine: (link below for the article – The Strange Origin of the Word ‘Nazi’)

‘The first normal assumption about the word’s origins is that “Nazi” is a contraction of the word “national.” Switzerland had a newspaper that went by this name, the National-Zeitung, published between 1842 and 1977. It was popularly known in Basler dialect as the Nazi-Zyttig, or National Newspaper. . . . . . . . Thus, to those from the Basel, Switzerland region, this use of the word “Nazi” had nothing to do with Hitler, but was simply a shorter name for a daily newspaper.’

‘A second, but little-known assumption is that “Nazi” was the result of an earlier linguistic series, where the first two letters of a political party were combined with the particle –zi to create a substantive noun. Thus the Sozi were the socialists and the Kozi were the communists. But this explanation runs into problems linguistically because both the o sounds in Sozi and Kozi are long, while the o sounds in their respective source words (socialist, kommunist) are short, thus making the source words ineligible. To make a long story short, Sozi derives not from “socialist” but from the Latin socius, meaning “associate” or “comrade,” while Kozi comes from kotzen meaning “to vomit.” To German ears of the time this made the Communists “the Barfs.”’

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But have those who make these assumptions ever realised that Hitler and his party members hated the word Nazi, and never used it as a catchy nickname for their party. Any mention of the word Nazi was banned within the ranks of the NSDAP. Understandably Hitler detested this pernicious slang word because it literally means: a backward Bavarian peasant, bumpkin, simpleton, idiot.

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1835 In 1835, the name [Nazi] acquired its usual meaning of hillbilly, rube, etc., with Johann Nestroy’s farce Eulenspiegel, in which the character Natzi hams it up in all his doltish stupidity. But it was Joseph Misson’s comic verse epic, Da Naz (1850), which firmly established the imbecilic and roguish fame of the name “Nazi” in German culture, after the character, Naz (or Nazi), who gets up to all kinds of silly but endearing adventures.

1905 The term Nazi goes back way before WW1, it was originally a nickname of the first name Ignaz, which was common in Bavaria and Austria. For example, Ludwig Thomas Bauernschwank’s Der Schusternazi – The Shoemaker’s Nazi – was premiered in 1905 at the Theater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich. The term was used pejoratively for a simple-minded, foolish person and for German-Austrians and German-Bohemians.

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It was the Zionist journalist Konrad Heiden (pseudonym Klaus Bredow) who tagged Hitler’s NSDAP party with the derogatory label Nazi in the early 1920s in order to insult and discredit Hitler and his movement. Heiden hated Hitler and his plan to rid Germany of the Zionist Marxist control of the German banks and the supply of money, and rebuild Germany back to it’s former glory pre WW1.

So how is it that the world has been duped into believing the nonsense that Hitler was an evil dictator who called his political movement the Nazis, was intent on taking over all of Europe, and gassed 6 million Jews in German concentration camps during World War 2?

Easy: If you, and your elite cult are the richest people in the world then you can buy up and control the world press and publishing corporations and pump out whatever phoney propaganda fits your bill.

As the saying goes:

“When the news is for profit, the truth goes to the highest bidder.”

The Globalist cabal own and control virtually all Western mainstream media. They also own and control that massive entertainment machine Hollywood which is particularly adept at seducing filmgoers into believing false versions of historical events such as World War 2. Steven Spielberg’s ‘Swindlers List’ (sic) is a prime example of the clever way that people are emotionaly manipulated into believing the big lie that Hitler was the bad guy and that he was out to murder the Jews. Hitler was not against real Jews, as many as 150,000 Jews fought in the German army. Hitler was against the fake Jews who had taken control of Germany. Fake Jews hate real Jews as much as they hate all of us Goyim of other races and religions.

Who Owns the Media – video length 9 minutes

So with that massive propaganda machine under their control and filling our brains with fake history it is not difficult to understand that rising through this quagmire of anti-Hitler BS and propaganda to see the truth is no easy matter.

Click on the image for a short video about ownership of the media. Note the quotation by Napolean Bonaparte at the end of the video:

“Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets . . . “

The Lies Of Schindler’s List AKA Swindlers’ Grift – video length 36 minutes

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The Swastika symbol

Hitler was inspired by the swastika symbol after he saw it on a Catholic church where he sang as a choir boy.

The word swastika comes from sanscript svastika.

In the East, the swastika symbol is an ancient religious and cultural symbol whose origins go back thousands of years. It is a divine symbol of peace, prosperity & good luck, a good luck charm and a path to the Gods. Swastika is also a girl’s name in India where it means lucky.

Swastica Peace Symbol – the Ancient Symbol for God, Tree of Life. – Video Length 6 minutes

The Zionist controlled West have twisted the true peaceful sentiment of the swastika symbol into a symbol to suit their hateful anti-Hitler rhetoric.

We in the West, only view the swastika in this negative way because that is how we have been instructed to see it. Just as we have been instructed to accept the Globalist cult’s fictional account about Hitler and the Nazi word.

There is every probability that Hitler chose the swastika for it’s symbolism of good fortune, peace and harmony.

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Hitler is one of the few people who understood Jewish banking control, and to have taken down Rothschild’s control of money. That’s why the Rothschild bankster mafia were desperate to bring him down. Hitler did not start WW2, the communist Marxists fake Jews did. Cleverly they have hijacked the real Jews’ agenda and masqueraded as real Jews, tricking the world into thinking that they are God’s chosen downtrodden and persecuted people. With their worldwide control of money and media they can pay off any faction to start wars and commit genocide such as in Palestine.

Usefull book

Now let’s travel back in time to the 1920s to some beer hall in Germany in say, Munich or Berlin, where Hitler and his followers are in the process of choosing a suitable name for their new movement.

“I know” says one of Hitler’s followers, “let’s call ourselves The Backward Bavarian Simpleton Party.”

Following this suggestion the laughter echoing around the beer hall would have been deafening.

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Chronicles Magazine – link to The Strange Origin of the Word ‘Nazi’HERE


WORLD WAR 2 – THE TRUTH (PART 1) – Video (1 hour 15 minutes) Featuring MIKE KINGCLICK HERE

WORLD WAR 2 – THE TRUTH (PART 2) – Video (1 hour 15 minutes) Featuring MIKE KING – CLICK HERE

The Bad War – An excellent book on WW2 by Mike King:– Click image below

The Greatest Story Never Told – Click image below

Video length 6 hours

Get the FACTPACT FACTS out there.

Graham Lawrence

Alternative journalist.

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